Jiří Ledvinka
Naděje člověka s. r. o.
(„Hope of human being“)
CRN: 22134280
Nové sady 988/2, Staré Brno, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Jiri does not provide individual personal or telephone consultations.
The only opportunity to meet him is at live events and online meetings.
You can also subscribe to the YouTube channel Nadeje cloveka.
ONLY for the needs of technical support or troubleshooting when ordering events and online payments, an email has been set up, where emails are not handled by Jiří personally.
Non-organizational questions will not be answered due to capacity reasons.

Upcoming Events:
Online God’s Imprints with Jiri Ledvinka
(translated to English)
22.3.2022 from 7pm
Annotation: The unique model of encounter is intended for all those who are no longer looking for answers to the questions of everyday events, but long to immerse themselves in the greater depth of the Divine essence and therefore their own. Your questions and answers to them will be supported by energetic action and the essential can happen not only through verbal answers, but mainly beyond words.
When: On Tuesday 22nd March 2022 from 7pm to 8:30pm (19:00-20:30 Prague CZ time)
Where: Online – Zoom
Signing in: Closed
Price: 1600 CZK / 63 € / 71 $ / 53 GBP) per person
No new event in English language…for now
In preparation.